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自分の可能性を 見出してほしい








“みんなの家”代表 三宅ストーナー展子

My name is Nobuko Miyake-Stoner, founder of House for All.


This is how it began.


When I returned to Japan after 42 years in America, I was struck by how young people in Japan do not seem to have dreams for their future. What I saw in them was a sense of resignation--not much to hope for. This may reflect the culture we adults have created, emphasizing only materialism and economic growth, neglecting moral and spiritual values. As social and economic instability grows, anxiety and fear increase.  Hopes and dreams disappear.  


How can we create a society where young people can find hope?  I asked myself what I could do to help.  With a strong desire for young people to have a dream, discover their potential, and soar with hope, I started House for All for children.  


 Nobuko Miyake-Stoner


Nobuko Miyake-Stoner


About the founder: 

 Nobuko was born in Hiroshima, Japan.  After working as an official correspondent for the president of Hiroshima University, she went to the United States to study and earned master's and doctor's degrees.

 For over 35 years, Nobuko served churches and communities as an ordained clergy of the United Methodist Church in California, Colorado and Hawaii. She received awards such as "International Women's Day Award" from the Asian-Pacific Americans for Nuclear Awareness, "Trailblazer Award" from the American Association of University Women, and "Distinguished Ministry Award" from the School of Theology at Claremont. 

 After returning to Japan, she founded Minna No Ie/ House for All in 2019 in Hiroshima.


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